You will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Revas Business Simulations Games and information about their updates.


Yes. Set up an Trainer account (here) and order a demo simulation. Each Trainer can conduct a virtual company in 3 rounds and check what decisions the user (player) must make during the simulation.

  1. Annual subscription – the organization purchases an annual subscription within which it receives access to Revas Business Simulations Games limited to 12 months from the date of purchase of the subscription.
  2. Implementation with an indefinite license – the organization purchases access to Revas Business Simulations Games with an indefinite license with the option of maintaining the simulation on our servers or servers of the organization that makes the purchase. It is possible to integrate the simulation with the organization’s systems, which allow the users to log in using one login and password for all organization’s systems.
  3. Access to the user – the organization purchases access to Revas Business Simulations Games for a specific number of people (players).

We do not require signing a contract. Details of the implementation can be found on the invoice.

Yes. We issue VAT invoices at the customer’s request.


Ask the user to register (here) as a player. Then the user should enter the Game ID and license key received from the Trainer.