If your school runs enrichment programme in business, you may want to know the story of Peter Segal’s, the Business Studies teacher at St Andrews Catholic School, afternoon course. He decided to show students real business with business simulations. No more paper exercises and only imagining what it is like to be an entrepreneur. This time, they had to prove themselves as business owners on a competitive market. Don’t worry, the market was virtual but the competition was real.

Revas proudly reaches one more corner of the world! Check how one of the schools in Oman teaches business management.

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In November 2021, EDHEC’s Business Management students took part in a business simulation – Revas as part of their curriculum aiming to make them useful in life-like scenarios. It was the second edition of Revas simulation course at EDHEC.

Public Vocational Colleges choose to make business courses practical

How can teachers help their students understand the complexity of doing business? Zealand Academy of Technologies and Business did it by introducing online Business Simulation Game into their Marketing curriculum.